The company's name is strongly related to tradition and quality. At the beginning of the 90s, EGO Spedition GmbH started its activities in the silo field with just a handful of silo trucks. Throughout the years, the truck fleet has increased steadily. Not only has the number of the company's own vehicles gone up, but also the number of vehicles owned by freighters but managed by EGO has risen. At present, 150 silo trucks are in active use by EGO Spedition GmbH.
Number of transports per year:
approx. 16.000, approx. 80 % of which are plastic granulate transports
Number of silo trucks in use:
EGO Spedition GmbH
Rauchfangkehrergasse 29 / 3-5
A - 1150 Wien
Tel.: 0043 1 895 0336 - 0
Fax: 0043 1 895 0336 - 20 oder 30
E-Mail: dispo@ego.co.at