
Over the years, the company has gained a lot of experience in handling a large variety of powdered and granulated goods of the chemical and petrochemical range. It mainly deals with polyethylene, polypropylene, PVC and PET.

EGO Spedition GmbH strives to sustain the high-quality performance it has achieved through constant improvements and innovations on the highest level.

Subcontractors in a permanent relationship with EGO can also acquire silo trucks through EGO and EGO Spedition GmbH even offers a financing package for these.

silo trucks

The truck fleet has an average age of 2 years. Thus it is ensured that all vehicles are both technically and ecologically up-to-date. All trucks are equipped with GSM telephones and can so be contacted at all times.

Apart from the silo trucks, EGO Spedition GmbH also uses a modern vacuum silo with 60 m³. Thus it is possible to avoid any contamination when sucking all types of powdered and granulated goods from tower silos, big bags or from silo trucks that had an accident.

If you should wish additionally information to our silo trucks, you can download their specifications in PDF-file under the following link:

Silo Truck specification (PDF, 76KB)

area of activity

The silo trucks are in use all over Europe. At present, the main operational areas of the EGO fleet are in Austria, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, France, Italy, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The enterprise, however, is always open for new destinations.



EGO Spedition GmbH
Rauchfangkehrergasse 29 / 3-5
A - 1150 Wien

Tel.: 0043 1 895 0336 - 0
Fax: 0043 1 895 0336 - 20 oder 30


Freight inquiry